Sometimes in business, an old adage is an old adage for a reason. The one today is “It doesn’t pay to be nice.” The Seller still does not have all her belongings out of our home, although we went to settlement on December 17, 2009. Understand this, when you sell a house, you don’t own it anymore. You don’t get the money and then get to keep your stuff there for a few more days while you make arrangements to pack up and move. The Buyers made the arrangements to get your money there on time. The contract calls for the house to be empty and broom swept, yet still my Seller begs for more time. We did accept $400.00 dollars from the Seller with a signed agreement that everything would be out by December 24, 2009. That date has come and gone. The Seller was planning to leave some things in the shed, thinking that we would dispose of them. This is why real estate agents put money in escrow when some issues are not resolved at the settlement table. Buyers and Sellers are more motivated to meet deadlines when money is involved in the outcome.